World Asthma Week 


     It’s World Allergy Week!
     Our key message this year is, ‘Reduce your exposure to allergens’.
     Did you know that there is a connection between asthma and allergies?
     It’s important to reduce your exposure to allergens, as much as possible.

Do you know what six of the most common triggers are?

6 June
When a mould source is disturbed, small particles called spores are released in the air, which can then trigger asthma
and allergy symptoms.
Find out how to reduce your exposure to mould here:

7 June
Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, horses, mice and rats can all trigger asthma and allergies in some people.
Find out how to reduce your exposure to pet allergens here:

8 June
Up to four out of five people with asthma also have allergies like hay fever – either at certain times of the year
or all year round.
Find out how to reduce your exposure to pollen here:

9 June –  
Air purifiers can be effective in removing smoke from the air – look for one that has an activated carbon filter,
in either powder or granular form.
An activated carbon filter is one of the only types of filter that can remove smoke from the air.
Find out more about air purifiers here:

10 June
VOCs are types of organic chemicals that evaporate and produce gas at room temperature.
People with respiratory problems such as asthma, young children, older people, and those with heightened sensitivity
to chemicals may be more susceptible to irritation and symptoms from VOCs.
Find out how to reduce your exposure to VOCs here:

11 June
Washing bedding in water hotter than 55°C will kill mites and wash away the allergen they produce.
Find out how to reduce your exposure to dust mites here:

We are proud to be a Sensitive Choice partner.

The Sensitive Choice program helps people live better with asthma and allergies.

Pool Poppits Team